A landmark event of spring 2019! IV International Business Protection Forum
On May 16, 2019, the IV International Business Protection Forum will be held at the Premier Palace Hotel (Kyiv, T. Shevchenko Blvd. / Pushkinskaya St., 5-7/29).
As speakers from the International Association of Investigators and Experts in Crisis Situations (IAIACE) invited: Igor Tsminsky, president of IAIACE, expert of the International Business Protection Holding Group of Companies (the topic of the speech: "Industrial espionage and business intelligence. What is common and what are the differences ?), Oleksiy Odery, Vice-President of IAIACE, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines and Forensic Examinations of the Donetsk Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Director of the Institute for Researching Problems of Business and Personal Protection (topic of the speech: "Insider in the business protection system. Legal and practical aspects"), Andrey Pertsyukh, Architect in the IT Laboratory, partner - expert in the International Association of Investigators and Experts in Crisis Situations (IAIACE) (topic of the speech: "Myths and reality in information and IT protection of the enterprise").
The International Association of Investigators and Experts in Crisis Situations (IAIACE) is the information partner of the IV International Business Protection Forum. We will be glad for the joint participation of all professionals in the field of business protection.
Details and registration at the link: IV International Business Protection Forum