About Association


The main purpose of the activity

The main goal of IAIACE is to unite outstanding specialists in the field of protection and safety through active expansion in the national and international markets, promoting their own projects (without the participation of various intermediaries) on these markets to solve problems of any complexity in Ukraine and abroad.


The basis of this process was long-term effective bilateral contacts with leading experts in this industry at the all parts of the world.


Together, we are a powerful team of professionals in our field, which can solve a problem of any complexity. Join in!

Together to success!


Constant communications

We are always in touch with each other and ready to help.

Wide possibilities

The association unites professionals from various fields and directions.

Only the result

Each of us is ready for anything to achieve the goal.


Our dream

The Association of Investigators works to ensure fairness, transparency and efficiency in the field of criminal investigation. Our activities are aimed at improving the criminal justice system and ensuring the high quality of crime investigations.

We seek to achieve these goals by cooperating with law enforcement agencies, courts, and other criminal investigation agencies. We promote the use of advanced methods and technologies that allow effective investigation of crimes and provide reasonable decisions in legal proceedings.

The main goal of our association is to ensure that the investigation of crimes is carried out smoothly, without any forms of corruption or the influence of external factors. We strive to achieve transparency and independence in the work of law enforcement agencies to ensure public confidence in the justice system.

Are there security issues? Ask for a consultation!